

Scroll down to read information about commuication, behavior plans, curriculum, and miscellaneous notes.                                                   

 Hello parents and students! I would like to extend my warmest welcome to our class, Archer’s All-Stars. I'm excited about the 
opportunity to get to know you, and I'm looking forward to a happy, productive school year.  


I believe it is important for parents and teachers to work together to ensure the best possible education for each child.  You may contact me 
at school (794-4090) or home (796-1076). My e-mail address is Your child is responsible for copying homework assignments in an agenda each day. 
Parents please sign or initial the agenda each night to let me know you have seen it. The agenda can also be used for teacher/parent 
communication to write notes back and forth. I check your child's agenda every morning. A folder with graded papers and other school notes 
will accompany the students home on the first day of each week. Inside the folder will be a sheet acknowledging that parents have seen the work. 
Please sign and return the folder on the following day. 

 Behavioral Expectations

My behavior plan is simple. We have four rules:

  1. Treat my classmates with kindness.
  2. Let my classmates learn while at school.
  3. Let my teacher instruct during class.
  4. Keep my classroom and school safe.

Any behavior that interferes with teaching, learning, or compromises the safety of anyone in the class is unacceptable. 

Discipline Plan

Should any rule above be broken, consequences are as follows:
1.  Verbal warning
2.  Student will receive a star on their desk to remind them to fix their behavior.
3.  Student/teacher conference and loss of Encore recess.  Student will fill out a "fix-it" reporting form to be signed by parents.
4.  Parent phone call
5.  Office referral

Student fighting, using inappropriate language, or displaying severe misconduct will be referred to the principal immediately. 


            Third grade is a fun and exciting year with academic challenges and new opportunities for learning. In Math we work with addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Students take timed tests on basic facts. It is important the students spend a few minutes each night memorizing the basic facts. Units on money, patterning, measurement, time, geometry, fractions and decimals, data and graphs, and place value will also be taught. Problem solving and logic  play an important role in math curriculum.

            In Reading, we will be using our literature books, theme books, and novels for instructions. The students will also have some time at school for self-selected reading. Students benefit greatly from reading each night. Our reading textbooks will come home on most Mondays so students can read the weekly story with a family member. Math and Reading are both tested by the state of Kansas in third grade.

            Social Studies finds us spanning the globe. We will learn about communities, history, government, transportation, geography, etc. Students will use textbooks, vocabulary work, maps, Time for Kids Magazine, and projects to meet the objectives.

            In Language Arts, the children will be learning more about the English language. Some topics we cover are sentence types, nouns, verbs, adjectives, subjects, predicates, capitalization, and punctuation. Students will be writing different pieces including persuasive paragraphs, descriptions, biographies, poems, and short stories. The Six-Trait Writing Model is used in our elementary schools.

            Students complete one unit in Spelling each week with a pretest on Monday and a final test on Friday.  Challenge words are offered weekly upon mastery of the basic list on the pretest. The first fifteen words of each unit are on the pretest. Cursive handwriting is a big part of third grade. The students will learn most letters and connections the first semester and begin to use cursive on some assignments in the second semester. 

            If you find that your child is coming home with more than 30 minutes of homework a night, he or she may not be using class time efficiently.  


  • Birthdays- Treats may be sent to school.  Send a note or call to make arrangements.
  • The class will be making SNAZZY SNACKS once a month. I will be asking for a small donation of ingredients occasionally.
  • Book Orders- Once a month you will have an opportunity to purchase books through a book club. Checks or cash are acceptable.
  • I will occasionally send home order forms for other products, such as magazines.  Please fill out and return all forms, as NO responses are as valuable as a yes to our class.  We can earn free materials for our classroom in this manner.   
  • Medicine- All medication is to be distributed through the school nurse’s office. A note with doctor’s and/or parent signature is needed.
  • Student of the Week- Every child will have the opportunity to share about themselves when they are student of the week. A note will be sent home in advance.